Thursday, February 14, 2008

The first time..

Well, I never thought I'd make up a blog like this, coz I'm too lazy..But a good friend of mine The Fallen Angel ( has been eating away my ears for quite some time with his constant demand that I start a blog on my own...Well here it is...
I think I owe an explanation regarding my blog URL Well, we get intermittent visions of things during flashes of lightning..Well what if just the opposite of Lightning happens?? Darkning?? Flashes of darkness...That's what I explore here...Normally in private, but now, I've been coerced to share...And actually I don't seem to mind it right now...
Till next post, paakkalaam...


Lucifer said...

welcome to d blog-o-sphere we'll get to c d paradox of d lone wolf...his cries of pain n his howl of victory...his deep thoughts mixed wid d peter pan syndrome...a visual paradox...a writers paradox...a readers paradox...a dewdrop wedded to a swordblade

Highlander said...

Alright dude, you've finally succeeded in convincing me to start my blog..lessee wazzup in store of this wolf..and his audience..:-)