Friday, June 4, 2010

Karan gets the budget... (With due apologies to a certain Pranab Mukherjee)

There was bickering that morning and hissing
In the Finance Ministry; for the budget plan
For the country was suddenly found "missing"
From the Minister's computer."Without the plan
What will we do?" the Officials shrieked,
"Where will we go?" the secretaries screeched,
While in all this midst, the peons stood afroze.
Though Roy and Paul and Bunta and Feroze
Pulled their hair and boiled their juice,
The budget plan proved to be a recluse.

Gloom spread in the office when suddenly,
The Minister Babu walks in nonchalantly.
Digging inside his nose he says, "Don't stress.
It's true that without the budget plan the country's a mess.
But I'm calling Karan to the office.
Take heart; with computers he's a whiz."

The peons stare at the tattoo while the typist
Winces at the studded lip; There's a collective hush
As Karan walks into their midst
Twirling his i Pod and sipping Orange Crush.
Though barely sixteen his credentials are impressive.
He boasts of a degree from Powai, and one more
From Princeton; so nothing's gonna give.
His skills are the stuff of folklore
From IBM to Google to Commodore.
They sing about his genius and traits
From Pyongyang to United fucking States.

Staring at the screen, cracking his knuckles
He sits down to deal with the obstacles.
Moments pass as he types an array of commands
And algorithms to search for what he demands.
Sitting back he says,"the budget plan's gone nowhere,
It cannot escape and I'm gonna search inside there."
There is magic in his fingers as he works the board,
His toil and focus on the job striking a chord.
When up to screen comes an election manifesto
Showing the smiling Minister waving hands with gusto.
A few greetings cards, a song now and then
And a soft porn video of a fully loaded siren
(While the Minister sheepishly hides behind the curtain).

There comes a shout as suddenly Karan jumps
"I've found the plan!" he cries out with goosebumps.
Cheers and Shouts of joy fill the room,
All are relieved to escape from doom.
The Minister dances and officials shake with laughter
While the typist slaps a peon who happily hugged her.
All is well until Karan's elbow accidentally hits the key "Erase"
And the budget plan finally vanishes without a trace!!

Oh, there are some nations which plan right,
And some nations which fuck up outright.
Call me rude but I ask the Minister polite
"When are we ever gonna get it right?"